vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

Let's talk about: Music. Can you live without it?

I really want you to think about the question in the title of this blog and answer it sincerely. Do you think you can live without music? Because I know for sure that I can not live like that.

I'm one of those persons that has music in their blood. My dad was a really big fan of music, like myself, and mom loved to dance when she was younger, so I'm serious when I say that music runs through my veins. Music can change you life. If you are sad, you can listen to sad songs and find yourself in them, thinking that you are not the only one going through hell (that's how I feel when I am sad), and that actually encourages you to do something about it and stop being sad. Or you can listen to happy songs, to make you lively and to give you a better feeling.

Like I said, music is something I inherited, mostly from dad. He was my idol in live, and he still is even if he died. Besides looking like him a lot, I am like a younger female version of him. What he liked, what he didn't like, his way of thinking, things that got him mad, all those things and many more are the same for me.

So this is where music comes in. He was a huge fan of rock music, and thanks to him, I, myself, am one. I love old rock, this is how my love for rock music began, like Queen, The Scorpions, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Metallica etc. Those are practically my top favorites.  I love "Radio Gaga", "We are the champions", "The wind of change", "Highway to hell" a lot, even today.

During my 9th grade (that's first year of high school in Romania), I remembered of something from my younger days and that's anime (japanese cartoons). This opened a gate for me towards Japan, with all that is has: culture, literature, buildings, anime, manga (japanese comic books), music. The music I am going to talk about. One of the most beautiful and cool and so different music comes from Japan, and it materializes in what it's called J-rock. I could write a freaking essay about this music. I don't actually know the language, but I realized it sounds so good that it doesn't even matter that I don't know what the lyrics say. The lyrics and the actual music blend together so perfectly that you become addicted to it. I myself, became addicted to it.


Then, I came across screamo. I really don't know why I enjoy it that much, it's just that it sounds good. I do sings-along this type of songs but I don't scream like them. It doesn't sound to good coming from me, and I really don't want to hurt my lungs. ^^ Here, there are a large number of bands I can name, so I will not be doing that. All I can do is recommend you a song that I love a lot.

Now lets move on to the next music genre: pop/dance music. I know I know, how can someone that loves rock music can love pop too? Hell if I know, but I already came to the conclusion that I am an abnormality of the world, so I guess that answers your question (it's the magic word ^^). That, and maybe the fact that my parents loved different types of music. Again, I can give you a really long list of names, so I won't bore you with it.

A few paragraphs above I mentioned about J-rock, one of the most beautiful and cool and so different music genre ever. Then, the second one is K-pop (South Korean Pop). This is something I discovered in 2010, and I'm addicted to it since then. I really can't stop listening to it. It's something really different from the pop songs from my country and USA, that is really catchy, and that it's not just Pop. K-pop is dance, electropop, hip hop, rock and R&B. There are so many people all over the world that enjoy this kind of music, and I am proud to be one of them.

Of course, these are the main music genres that I love. But I also love classical music, orchestra, traditional japanese and korean music. I even came across some mongolian traditional music that I enjoyed a lot.

So this is my story, my life with music. If music is banned, I will die for sure.
Now tell me, what is your favorite music genre? ^^

3 comentarii:

  1. life without music would be hell Dx
    music is my escapism! <3

  2. music as a therapy = epic win! world without music would have been pathetic.

  3. Whoah! Gackt!!! <3 <3 <3

    Sorry for the short fangirl moment :))
    I like Gackt too much (his music, not him personally xD )I also like Versailles and SID and some others, anyway, I like what they call 'visual kei' :D
    I also like korean music and latin pop and bollywood. Basically everything that sounds good to my ear ^_^
    Also, I don't really care what language is it coz most of the times I cannot relate to the lyrics... I only check once the translation to get the idea what the song is about :D
