luni, 27 februarie 2012

Small Kpop MV review: Big Bang - Blue

"I'm singing my blues"

I'm really not going to get tired of this song, ever!! I really love it. As you all know, Big Bang are having their comeback after all the bad stuff that happened to the band. I'm really happy to see Daesung being OK and smiling like he always did before the car accident, and GD suprresing the marijuana scandal. Like they said on "Healing camp", these bad things made the band even more united than before.


 Basically, you can feel the sorrow in the melody, the lyrics and how the music video was filmed. Sure, the song is not exactly about the problems they have been through, but you can feel all the sadness they have felt during that time. The melody is really calming, like the boys are tying to tell us, their fans, that they are ok and that we should not be afraid of them falling apart and that the band won't disband anytime soon.

The lyrics are really cool. From the beginning they are talking about the winter that passed (well, more like it's about to pass) and that spring comes ("The winter had passed and the spring has come"), meaning they did manage to move on, even if their hearts are still bruised ("And our hearts are bruised from longing"). If you think about it, during the winter most of the animals are either hibernating or have left to warm countries, the plants look like lifeless, but then spring comes and everything comes back to life. This is what happened to Big Bang. They went through hard times, they meditate about what happened, and now they are coming back, full of life.

If you look on the internet, you will see that "Blues" means, among others, "A feeling of sadness or depression" and "One's particular life experience, particularly including the hardships one has faced". So, from the start this song is meant to talk about hardships. In other words, for someone who just started to listen to Big Bang, this song will be just another song about the loss of the loved one, but for the fans, this has a total different meaning.

All in all, even if it's a sad song, I'm glad they choosed this as the first song to be promoted, and I can't wait for the other songs to be released.

duminică, 19 februarie 2012

My favorite song #2: Nevada Tan - Vorbei

           Back in the old days I listened to german music too, sometimes I still do. I did learn german, so I do know what they say...well, I get most of what they say. Then I came across a cool band named Nevada Tan, that after some time it was renamed to Panik. I don't know if they are still a band or not, but I do recommend it. You should listen to Vorbei, Revolution, Neustart, Ein neuer Tag and Niemand hort dich.

German lyrics:"Und jetzt denk ich zurück, und denke an dich
Denk an unseren Sommer und frag mich, wo du jetzt bist
Wie du jetzt bist
Und wie du lachst, wie du weinst
Wie du schläfst, wie du schreist
Denkst du ab und zu an unsere gemeinsame Zeit?
Doch dann tauche ich auf
Schnappe nach Luft, und mir wird klar
Unsere Zeit ist vorbei
Auch wenn das die beste war
Und dass der Wind schon den nächsten Winter bringt
Ich speicher dich ab, so wïe du warst
Als den schönsten Sommertag"

English lyrics: "And now I think back, and I think of you
Think about our summer, and ask myself, where are you now
How are you now, and how you laugh, how you cry
How you sleep, how you scream, do you think from time to time
Of our time together?
Then I emerge, breathe the air, and I realize
Our time has gone, even if it was our best
And that the wind the next winter brings
I store the thought of you, just like you were - as the most beautiful summer day"

miercuri, 15 februarie 2012

Let's talk about: Childhood

I wanted to start this post with a quote, but I didn't find one that sounded good enough for me. I'm sure there are many people that regret the fact they have become adults, just like me, even if they know this is only something natural.

We all want to go back to those days when living was so easy. Our parents would do all for us, of course, when they could do so, but in our eyes that was like the whole world was laying at our feet. We were kings and queens in a world that we had to get out of so that we can make room for the new children that were born after us. I didn't want to grow up. I still don't accept the fact that I grew up. My heart is the same as when I was a child. Sometimes my imagination goes crazy as it did back in those days, I do stuff that only kids would do. I can still go around asking for something from someone with those cute puppy dog eyes and with that cute voice. Mom knows I want something when I do that, just like before.

My childhood was beautiful. I enjoyed my life as a kid alot. To be honest, I wasn't really a good kid. I would always get mom mad at me because I would do something bad, even if I knew it was bad. That was like a revenge for not letting me do something I wanted, even if that was also a bad thing. I'm an adventurous person, I like to try new things without considering the fact that it might be wrong. You know what they say, people learn from their mistakes, but if you don't make them, how can you learn? That is the exact same thing that I was thinking back then. I guess, in a way, I never had a childhood since my mind could analyze and think logically from that young age.

I remember that when I went to my grandparents during the summer, since there is a region where people own gardens and they have to make their own hay so that they could feed the animals, I would go with my grandparents. Don't imagine I would do some work. Hell no. For me it was an adventure. I have lost count many years ago of all the trees I climbed into.

 Of course, not always things went the way I wanted. Once I went with my grandmother to visit one of her brothers. While we were there I saw that he had a Mulberry tree ("Dud" for romanians ^^) and I so love those fruits. My cousin, well actually she is mom cousin but she is the same age as me so I say she is my cousin, wanted some but she was afraid to climb the tree. Me being me, I started to climb the tree and eat as much as I could without carrying if she comes or not. I went all the way up to the top of the tree and that is when fear started to develop inside of me. I was so afraid to climb down, because I never thought that the tree was so tall. But, in the end, I started to calm myself down and climb down slow, until I could reach the earth. That's when my feet started to feel numb, and I almost fell down.

There are many wonderful things, in a way or another XD, that I have done in my childhood. To talk about all of those that I could still remember, it would take a while, so I'm not going to do so. Because I'm not in the mood now, I will try to put some photos from my childhood in this post tomorrow. 

vineri, 10 februarie 2012

My favorite song #1: Roxette- It must have been love

You know what they say: "Oldies, but Goldies". This applies to this song. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to see Roxette when they came to Romania last year. 

"It must have been love but it's over now.
It must have been good but I lost it somehow.
It must have been love but it's over now.
From the moment we touched 'til the time had run out. "

Small Plans

So...I thought it would be cool to make a "Let's talk about" post every week. Why? Because I want to be sure I will write at least once a week something around here. 

And I want to make another weekly post with my favorites songs. It could be an old one, a new one, a Kpop song, a Jrock song, American Rock or Pop. Also, I'll write down the lyrics that I like from that song.

So stay tuned, I'll be back shortly with more posts. ^^

duminică, 5 februarie 2012

Let's talk about: Academic Achievements

First of all, I'm sorry I didn't post anything for the past weeks. I was busy with projects and final exams (I still have two more exams). Now I found some time and I thought it will be cool to talk about academic achievements. Just to be clear, I don't want to brag about it, I just want to make you think about those kind of achievements, with me as an example.

Maybe I should start by telling you, people outside Romania, how we take our grades here. 
For the first four years of school a system similar to E-S-N-U is used, known as calificative. These are Foarte bine (FB) — Excellent, Bine (B) — Good, Satisfăcător/Suficient (S) — Satisfactory, actually meaning (barely) passing, Nesatisfăcător/Insuficient (N/I) — Failed. Students who get an N/I must take an exam in the summer with a special assembly of teachers, and if the situation is not improved, the student will repeat the whole year.
For grade 5 to 12, a 1 to 10 grading system is used with 10 being the best, 1 being the worst and 5 being the minimum passing grade. The system of continuous assessment is also used, with individual marks for each test, oral examination, project, homework or classwork being entered in the register (these individual marks are known as note). There must be at least as many note for a subject as the number of weekly classes for that subject plus one. Some subjects also require a partial examination at the end of the semester (teza).

Back when I was in my first three years of school, the grading system was the same as explained above for  years 5-12. Only in my fourth year, my generation being the first to have this kind of grading system, the grading system was the same as explained above for years 1-4.

And now, let's start. For the first four years of school, I got first prize (Premiul I). The Yearly Grade Average (Media Generala) for this years was around 9.80/year. I can't remember for sure because I don't have the mark I had for those years. I still have my diplomas that make me so proud of myself.

For grades 5-8, I only got third prize (Premiul III) for the fifth, sixth and eighth year of school. The Yearly Grade Average was: 5th grade - 9.46, 6th grade - 9.41, 7th grade - 9.33 and 8th grade - 9.34. As you can see, I started to learn less. I guess I had other things on my mind like boys, how to look pretty and stuff like that. ^^ During these years I got several other diplomas for going to a class where they thought us how to paint religious icons, for getting the best marks at math in 6th grade and for the good results I got at the physics olympiad (I went up until the Bucharest phase, but I only got 8.5 and I needed a 9 to move forward). 

For grades 9-12, I didn't get a prize, because my marks started to drop like flies =)). The Yearly Grade Average was: 9th grade - 7.70, 10th grade - 7.75, 11th grade - 8.17 and 12th grade - 7.85. Because during the last three years of high school my homeroom teacher was the physics teacher, because I wasn't that interested in physics anymore (I only did learn for this subject in my 9th grade, after that I don't know anything from that subject anymore and to be honest, I don't think I opened the book even once or study for this subject during my 10th, 11th and 12th grade) and because I needed passing grades, I started to help her, together with other classmates with some projects. You could say I was part of the "Science Club" without it to be an oficial club. Because of that I have two diplomas from the Hands of Science competition, just for participation (we never got a prize), and another diploma from my homeroom teacher for being part of the club.

Also, at the end of 8th and 12th grade we have an exam (that is made out of 3 different written exams for 8th grade and 2 oral exams and 4 written exams for 12th grade). The exams changed over the years because that's how things go in Romania.
The Capacity Examination (at the end of 8th grade) was made out of an exam for Romanian language (my mark: 7.55), for Math (6.90) and History (8.40 - you could choose from history and geography, but at that time I loved history). The overall mark was 7.61.
The Baccalaureat Exam ( at the end of 12th grade) was made out of an oral exam for Romanian language (8.00) and one for English (9.50), and four written exams for Romanian Language (6.15), Math (8.60 - I improved here XD), Inorganic Chemistry (6.95) and Economics (6.60). The overall mark was 7.63 (Oh!! Look!! It's so close to the previous exam).

Now, the subjects from the Baccalaureat Exam  can differ from an academic program to another. The academic programs for high school students are: Science — Profil Real: mathematics and computer programming or earth studies (I was part to the first program ), Humanities — Profil Uman: social studies or languages, Technical programs — Profil tehnic, Vocational programs and Services and Economics programs. 
Because I was part of mathematics and computer programming, I got an "Computer Programmer" qualification and the math subjects for the Baccalaureat exams were the hardest, including algebra, simple calculus, trigonometry and geometry. Overall, this type of program is the hardest out of them all. 

And finally, I went to college. I gave an entrace exam for the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, in which I got in. I was admitted at the Faculty of Commerce and after 3 years I got my Bachelor's Degree. After that I gave another exam because I wanted to be admitted at a Master's Program called The Commercial Business Administration. And here I am, in my second and last year of that master's program. 

I can't wait to finish school!!!!! XD  

Now, tell me about your  Academic Achievements.

EDIT: Dear Jean made a similar post about her academic achievements so go on and read it here: My Academic Achievements