marți, 27 martie 2012

My favorite song #4: LOSTPROPHETS - Can't Catch Tomorrow

     I know I haven't posted anything lately, but I was sick, like really sick. I think the weather has someting to do with me getting a cold since it was really cold and then it got really warm outside. This is my third week of being sick and I really really really don't feel like posting anything.

duminică, 11 martie 2012

My favorite song #3: Plunklock - Breakout

This post is about Plunklock, a jrock band, that had a concert in Bucharest yesterday and I was there!! XD

The concert was awesome, I really really loved it, but I am so sorry I had to leave earlier than I planned because the public transport that connects Bucharest to Ilfov sucks big time. I had to leave around 9:15 pm, because I had to take the subway, then the light rail and after that the car that took me home (that left at 10:20 and it was the last one). I can say the concert was cooler than the previous one I went too (I can compare only these two because I only went to two jrock concerts until now), regardless of the location. I didn't took pictures because I wanted to enjoy the concert a lot, and I did not wanted to be busy with taking pictures and stuff like that.

For pictures, if you have a facebook account, you can see them on JCu.RO

vineri, 9 martie 2012

Don't you hate it .....

....that moment when you see something you wanted for such a long time, you finally finally got your hands on it from somewhere outside your country, and then a few months later you see it in your country too?

Well, in my case, I freaking hate it. I really do. Yesterday, as you all know, it was the international day of women, but in Romania, not the fact that you are a women makes this day special. Oh hell no! What makes this day so special is that we celebrate mothers the most, because it's also Mother's Day. So, mom had a free day from work and she decided we should go to the mall, buy something from the food court (I wanted to buy her something with fish because she loves it, but she refused that because the Easter fasting started and no fish is allowed until I don't know when). In the end we ate from KFC (we love to spoil ourselves).

After we did all that, we started to look for clothes to see what is new around the mall. This is where the fun part begins. At one moment, we passed Koton and I was like: "Mom, do you remember that shirt I got from when I went to the beach? The blue one? I got it really cheap from there and I saw it in this store when I came back from the sea and the shirt was like 5 times more expensive." That got her attention and she pulled me inside the store to look around.

Now, I always wanted a thing, like I said in the beginnig. That thing is this hoodie (not really a hoodie since it doesn't have the actual hood) that looked like those american baseball jackets. And I found one, in Spain. Like every store there had either a hoodie like the one I mentioned or a baseball jacket. 

Something like this one

Of course I bought one, of which I can't take a picture because it needs to be washed and ironed before I can take a picture (I'll be sure to update this post when that is done). 

To get back to the store, the moment I walked in (more like dragged) I saw it. On a rack, in all it's beautiful colors there was a hoodie like that. An behind it a jacket like that. My first reaction was "Ahhh!! So beautiful!! I want one mom!!" and that's when it hit me. I actually had one already, after wanting one for so many years and after I went on first trip outside Romania. Of course I started to frown and be mad because they have it now, after I have already bought it and it was my turn to drag mom out of the store and move on.

Did I overreact? Or it is fair for me to feel mad?

miercuri, 7 martie 2012

Let's talk about: Animals

     People, I have to tell you something. I freaking love Animal Planet. Back when I was young I would watch this TV channel every day. I always watched Animal Cops, Crocodile Hunter and many other shows. 

     Animal Cops was one of my favorite because it showed how they rescue animals from the owners that didn't treat them right. Also, I loved to watch how they do several surgeries on different animals because when I was little I wanted to become a vet. I love animals, even if I am sometimes scared of them. Like when I go to my grandparents, they have all sorts of animals, I can touch the pigs (I like to scratch their backs and see them moving closer to the fence around the place where they live because they like it or because they want me to scratch them on a different side of their backs), but I am afraid to touch the horses.

     I used to ride horses when I was young, but because I grew up and I stopped doing so I didn't touch them anymore. So that got me afraid of them now. I really can't even pass them without feeling scared. Last summer, one of my uncles bought a pony, and that was the only animal that I recently touched that looks the closest to a horse. I think I wasn't that afraid of it because it's much smaller than a horse.

     Besides those animals, my gandparents had sheeps( which I loved to pet), rabbits (some were really big), pigeons (I have an uncle that is 7 years older than me, so we kind of grew up together like brother and sister and he loves animals), ducks and chickens. I love baby chickens a lot, because they are so small and puffy and I really don't know why, but I love their small during the spring or summer, after they sit in the sun. You can call me a freak, but I just love that smell. The same goes for the baby ducks. I spent like a month during the summer at my grandparents, when I was little, and my grandmother happened to have little ducks (they weren't baby ducks anymore, if you know what I mean) and they were quaking, so me being me I asked my grandmother why they do that. And she told me they were hungry and I should feed them. Let me tell you, that wasn't something good to tell me, because everytime they were quaking I would give them food, and in a month I got them so big that I was afraid they would explode. 

     And now, going back to what I wanted to say in the beginning. A few days ago, I started to watch Animal planet again, during the night, and I came across a show I didn't know about it before. It's called "Growing up..." and it about people raising different baby animals. Every episode is about a different animal. For example two days ago it was about baby wolfs, yesterday about baby lions and today it seems to be about baby tigers. I really can't wait to watch today's episode. For people from Romania, if you want to watch it, it's at 11 pm. For people outside Romania, I don't know, but check an online shedule for this channel and see if the show is being available in your country.